tisdag 22 juni 2010

An ordinary day!

I saw that it was a few days ago since I left any marks here. But my weekend has been full of transfers, boths arrivals and departures. Which means that you have to go by buss 2,5 hour each way to Antalya. So when you're finaly home you totaly dead, and the blogg is not the first thing in your mind. But here I go!

Today it's Tuesday, and for me it means hotelvisits in the morning and in the afternoon I will have a welcomemeeting together with my little Sara at EV.

The last passed days I've been feeling that I'm loosing the motivation for my work. Yes, I know that I always say that its the best job ever. And really it is! But this as many other jobs ther's ups and downs. I don't know why It feels likte this, but I guess thats just he way it is. I feel like I want to puke everytime I hear anything about transfer or hotelvisits. I just want to go back home and hide my face under my pillow.

Hopefully this feeling will dissapear soon, and I'm almost sure about it will!

Yesterday we went to keep Jennifer company at Damlatas Beachparty, a lot of people, both sober and not so sober. Crazy party with nice music and food. Ended our night in the harbour, me I took it easy, so just a few moshitos then Naround 1 I went home.

Today its only 3,5 day until our lovely crazy friend Jenny is going back to Sweden. Going to miss her so so much! I really do hope that she will come back soon again! Cuz she know as everybody else, that Alanya is not Alanya without her. OS I guess this last days will be full of party and vodka bull! =)

Yesterday I also uploaded some pictures from here on facebook, cuz it takes to long time to upload here at the moment, so for yiou guys who know me on facebook.. check it out!

Now I will enjoy my pasta with cheessaus and probobly take a nap before going to sara to prepare the meeting..

Take care!


torsdag 17 juni 2010

Back on track!

After a week holiday in cold and rainy Sweden I'm back again in my paradise, my lovely Alanya. The week at home was well needed and it was nice to spend some tiime with the family and celebrate my brothers graduation and Evelina's. Which was the reason that I went home for holiday. But as I wrote now i'm back again, and everything is exactly like before, but MUCH hotter. The weather has been changing so quickly, during the days it over 40 degrees and in the night it's still so hot. Yesterday at 23 we still had around 30 degrees, IT's CRAZY!

The woork is going on as usual, but now this week and next week we have our lovely friend Jenny here on visit.. So today it was or it is our day off! We've spend at the Damlatas Beach, and now I'm going to Migros, to buy some thing for the taco we're making tonight..

See you later aligator, see you in a while crocodile!=)

onsdag 9 juni 2010

I heard a song and it made me think of you, A

Another day
Without your smile
Another day just passes by
But now I know
How much it means
For you to stay
Right here with me

The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger
But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer

I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you
Sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you

A thousand miles between us now
It causes me to wonder how
Our love tonight remains so strong
It makes our risk right all along

The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger
But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer

I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you
Sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you

Things can come and go I know but
Baby I believe
Something's burning strong between us
Makes it clear to me

I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you
Sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you


Hi everybody out there!

The update lately has been bad, and this cuz of my bad internet conection. But now I'm back in my lovely Sweden. This time for only a week. The reson or the resons why I decided to go back home for a mini vacation is because; my mother turned 50 a couple of days ago and my brothers is taking his graduation tomorrow. So tomorrow it will be a BIG party with a lot of people, music and of course good food. As I'm home I decided to not write in swedish, cuz you who are reading this now, for sure understand english. I'm home which means that my mum and grandma si not readin my blog, which also results in that I don't NEED to write everything twice, in both swedish and english =)

So I skip all the pased days in Turkey and focus on what I've been up to since I came home.
This Monday 7th of June I took the buss from Alanya to Antalya. Spend 7 hours in the grass at the airport with my lovely colleagues, waiting for my flight.

21.10 I arrived to Copenhagen, and a couple of minutes later I was on the train and on my way to Malmö to meet Mum and Dad. Drove home, chatting a little and then I went to bed, and fell asleep directly...

Yesterday I was just home, helped mum with some thing which had to be prepared for tomorrow, and had a nice meal together the whole family. Today has been a busy day, woke up early and eat my breakfast. Helped mum in the kitchen and then me, my brother went to a shoppingmall to get some nice shopping before the big day. I foung a nice pair of light blue jeans, a peachcoloured top from H&M, A nice dress and a well needed black jacket=)

Still I don't know what to wear tomorrow, but I think I let the weather decied! After shopping I went to Sara to get my nails done. After the work that the taiman has been doing my nails didn't felt or looked that good. Thank God for you help Sara! Now my nails are short, but they look great and natural. I took my bike and went back home, took something quick to eat then me and my broher drove to pick up his friend and girlfriend. Time for cinema, S.A.T.C - the movie 2 here we come! I must say it was the greatest movie I've seen in a very very long time! So for you who haven't seen it, you HAVE to see it! There's just one word for it - FABULOUS!

Now I'm back home in my very own bed! I was suppose to sleep but I had to update, and before I hit the sack, I'll try to upload some iof my pictures. As the internet connection is so so much better here!

Nos vemos a mañana!


onsdag 2 juni 2010

Somethings going on!

Tuesday Night Out!

So as I wrote before Emre Aydin was supposed to play at the harbour, but the concert was cancalled. But this didn't stop us, we all were ready for our night out. So our planes were changed, we went to karaokebar instead. Me, Tess, Tereisa, Emily and there we met Matti and two of his friends and later Annika and Calle also joined us.

We didn't sing that much but a few songs and drinks later Calle drove us close to the harbour. Went by Queens to met the other guides then later we continued to Lationo club.
Met a lot of old alanyapeople and had a really great night! Didn't drink that much but I arrived home at 03.30 and in the morning when I woke up to start work at 08.30 I wasn't the most happy person. I was almosted glued to the bed, I didn't want to go up. But you have to work and at 08.30 I was at Azak Beach as I should (good girl). The day have passed quite okey, and at my lunch I picked up Tess from somewhere =) and we went to Burger King, then to office. Emily the lucky one had a day off so she looked fresh. After the lunch I was dying of tiredness, I went home sleep two hours then dressed again and at 15.30 I was back on my hotels.

Today has been a very strange and busy day, which it is never on my hotels. Normaly all the guests are happy and just asking things about the area. But today so much has happened.
First in the morning I had to write a report for insurance company with some guests. Cuz their glasses had broked during their move from one room to another. And people were asking the most funny and strange questions ever. Everytime someone is asking me something funny or stupied I write it down, and in the end of my season I will publish everything here so you all can have a good laugh. Sometimes I just shake my head and smile, I just don't understand what's happening to people when they're going for holiday.

When I came to Savk Hotel there's a whole class there, whiched joined us on a Kale tour. They all were VERY happy, so I guess Dogan did a great job, being their guide today. But one of the girls had pain in her ear, and couldn't hear. So I had to call our doctor so he could come and check it. Left from there when I saw that the doctor arrived, time to go to the next hotel, Kleopatra Beach.

Here it was a lot of things to do, millions of guests came and asked everything and I handed out I don't know how many maps today. Then I met one lady who came and told me all about her holidays she's been doing before. And she also told me how many times she had been having stomach problems and how many times per day she's going to toilett and bla bla... I mean thank you for that information... she was also explaining what she did in toilett and how it looked! So thank you my lady, there you distroyed my appetite!

Except this, there was one girl who had burned her feet that bad in the sun that she hardly coudln't walk. Her feets were like footballs... I felt so so sorry for her!

We also having a strange man who's following his ex wife.... whole way from sweden to here, and now in the hotel and everywhere... and i run up the stairs to catch him but when he saw me he started to ran. I was calling for him that i just wanted to talk to him and then he said; "not a chance that I will speak to you" ehehe then I couldn't catch up with him, he was running like a leopard from me.. heheh strange man! I will see if I can take a talk to him next time I visit the hotel again.

This is just a small part of everything that happend today, and normaly when its high season its likte this or even more crazy.. this is just the "for play"!
I can't wait until the middle of the summer!

I always laugh when I think about all my situations with my guests, after almost three seasons there's a LOT of funny moments to remember. And then I think, the guests really leave themselves to us tourleaders when they're going for charter. They sometimes even think that we know from where all their differnt bites comes from. What kind of mosquito is it that gives you the biggest bites. Then they're asking, "do I have to see a doctor" I mean I'm not the right person to ask. If I wanted to be a doctor I went to the totally wrong school.... I mean I don't care if or what they are asking me about, but the thing is that its so funny to face this situations. Cuz they really do think that you know EVERYTHING! But anyway I still LOVE my work more than so much more!

Now I've been talking to my A over two hours, and I hate when the internet conection is that bad that the skype is disconecting all the time. It's so annonying that you have to say same thing like five times and still you don't even get half of the conversation. But inshallah it will be better!

Before I hit the sack to get some sleep, so I'm ready for the beach tomorrow, I just want to congratulate my parents on their 10th wedding annyversary day!

Goodnight everybody, later!!

Ny uppdatering!

Som jag lovade min kära mamma sklle jag översätta mitt förra inlägg. Å visst håller jag vad jag lovar min mor. Så här kommer översättningen och snart ytterligare ett annat inlägg om mina senaste dagar!

Jag såg att det varit dålig uppdatering här på sidan på senaste tiden. Tror jag slutade uppdatera där någonstans runt fredag. Sedan dess är det en del saker som skett, både inom jobb men självklart fritidsaktiviteter också.

I lördags hade jag sleep på morgonen på mitt schema, vilket innebär att jag kan få sova några timmar extra då jag jobbar (haft transfer) på natten. Så jag och Emily som även hon hade sleep på schmat tog på oss biknin och kilade bort till Azalea för att jobba på brännan lite. Runt klockan 15.00 mötte vi upp på kontoret innan det begav av för välkomstmöte på EV-restaurang. Efter mötet gick Emily direkt till kontoret, hon han inte hem om den stackaren. Hon hade en natt transfer som väntade. Jag traskade vidare hemmåt till mitt kära hem, hoppade in i duschen för att göra mig redo för kvällen.

Mötte upp Jennifer och gick bort mot Facebook restaurang för att kolla på Eurovision fast Sverige inte var med i finalen. Hoppades innerligt att Turkiet skulle vinna, då deras låt var otroligt bra. Men Tyskland blev vinnare detta året, minns dock inte ens hur deras låt gick=)

Vår kväll avslutades nere i hamnen på Queens Garden, där jag, Jennifer, Johan och Calle tog oss varsen drink. Var uppe med tuppen morgonen därpå, dags för transfer igen. Kom fram till Antalya flygplats där jag vinkade av gästerna i departurehallen, och tog sen bilen tilsammans med Dogan och Pia till Oscar Hotel. Där skulle vi också stanna fram tills det att vårt flyg landar på natten. Vår pickup från hotellet var klockan 01.30, men innan det hann Pia och jag med lite shopping och även att sova ett par timmar.

Ett par timmar senare ankom vi åter till mitt kära Alanya, och min otroligt efterlängtade säng. Sov ut på morgonen men ändå inte lika länge som vanligt, mötte upp Emily för lunch på Oasis. Återigen var det dags för välkomstmöte, men det slutade med att jag stannade kvar på kontoret istället.

Våra vänner och fd arbetskamrater Susanna och Öner kom igår för att stanna på en veckas semester. Igår gick vi alla , inklusive Dogan till EV för att äta middag tillammans och ta igen förlorad tid och snacka minnen. Efter vår middag sa vi hejdå till dem andra och jag å E fortsatte ner en sväng till hamnen, där vi mötte Timmy och Johan. Vi slog oss ner, och bara ett par minuter senare joinade resten av teamet, Alanya.

Dans, musik och drinkar på Queens Garden blev slutskedet på vår kväll, och runt klockan 02.00 kom vi hem igen. En relativt lugn men otroligt härlig kväll. Jag somnade som en stock, så fort jag la huvudet på kudden.

Vaknade av klockan på morgonen, dags att stiga upp för att jobba. Gissa om jag var trött då!? Men vad finns det att göra, återigen promenerade jag till mina hotellbesök. Så på morgonkvisten började jag på Azak Beach. Å jag kan verkligen inte påstå att jag har haft mycket att göra. Inte många gäster har man träffat på heller, men förhoppningsvis dyker dem upp lite senare idag.

På lunchrasten tog jag pch EMily fart i det klibbigt varma vädret och promenerade upp till Can Hospital, för att besöka Erja. DEn stackaren som ligger inlagd med lugninflamation. Hörde att hon inte uppskattade maten, så påvägen svängde vi inom bageriet och köpte bullar med ostfyllning å någon annan söt historia och även hennes favorit juice - Cappy Apple!

När vi en timme senare var påväg hemmåt igen, passerade vi Tisdagsbazaren, blev en snabbis inomdär och kom ut med 1kg körsbär och 10meter tyg som vi ska klä in våra otroligt fula soffor med. Så inshallah ska vi försöka få rätt på det senare idag.

Nu är det åter tid för jobb, får se om jag hinner uppdatera senare, Ikväll är det nämligen utgång som gäller. Emre Aydin har konsert nere i hamnen, och vår älskade Teresia är ju här på besök. Då är utgång ett måste och börjar bli en tradition när hon kommer till ALY =)

Sköt om er allesammans!


tisdag 1 juni 2010

Friday in Alanya!

The days are passing fast when you're having fun! I guess I have the world's best job ever! Actually the work is very hard, with for example long transfers, angry people, night jobs.But even thogh I really do love my job! I don't regret a second that I went back here to work. Every day since I left Alanya first time I have been wanting to go back again. What makes this job so wonderful is that you get so much back, in a positive way of what you're doing. And for me that makes the work so great! So for those of you who are sitting out there and are eager to try life as tourleader, what are you waiting for?! I just say it; "Get to know the world"!

After this morning's hotel visit with my trainee, we had our lunch in town with som collegues and we was running around, a quick turn into office. After that I got back to work, hotells are calling. A few hours later I was back home in my lovely apartment. Threw off my clothes and jumped into the shower.

Shortly after Emily came to visit and Tove with some food, it became useful Burger King. Heheh =) or not! Then we sit on the balcony so I can see a sight I wish I haven't seen. A man across the street at a nearby hotel, is posing in tanga underwear while another man sits on a chair in front and snaps on the camera. After a few pictures the naked man disappears into the room and few minutes later he comes out again, but then in another coutume, which consists of a new color or a new pattern of his underwear! He was posing, bending here and there, and me Emily and Tove was laughing like crazy on the balcony. Then the man noticed that we've seen him and waving at us, and then continue as if nothing happened. A normal person would maybe taking off or remain indoors. But no, he was still there. He stood there for a while in millions of underwear models. We thought that this course must be documented, so Emily runs up to her room, and get hold of her camera. Oh well then, she snaps a few pictures of him. I promise that if I get hold of the pictures and I'll post them here for you, so you can watch his nice butt.

Enough of this, I lay in bed to recharge for the night shuttle, and at 22:15 I sat Dogan and Emily in a time of our service buses on the road to the airport of Antalya to meet up nyankommande guests. Tonight was the OER and OSD who came to visit. Nice for me to beat a trip like that on the Side tomorrow. Leave the guests of three hotels there, then it was time to head to Alanya hotels and the others there.

Now a couple of hours later, I am finally back in my long awaited bed. Just thought I would curl up under the covers just soon. Just wrote a post here, but unfortunately I lost, so I got together and wrote a new bit shorter. Tomorrow awaits briefing on EV and restaurant late at night I'll sit well and ashamed at a restaurant that Sweden is not included in the Eurovision. But however maybe enjoy a good dinner and a glass of wine. Mumma!

Before my wedges, I just want to wish my dear Habibi Ahmed HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Wish I could have been with him now and celebrated. But everything is not always as we want here in life. Should have talked to him during the night on skype but I think the poor guy has time fallen into sleep of waiting that I should come home. But I fully understand! so we have to congratulate him a bit later today instead.

No, folks, now I have to sleep! sweet dreams!